Verified Rooms > Schedule a Pre-View
Schedule a Pre-View

To schedule a pre-view complete the form below, please be aware that at this time not all properties will allow you to pre-view them before making a booking: Make of this what you will but be assured you will not be charged until it has been confirmed you are able to pre-view the properties you have selected.

Once we have your information we will be able to provide you details of the team member that will carry out the pre-view on your behalf you will then need to inform the properties that you would like to arrange a pre-view before confirming your reservation and give them the contact details of the team member that will carry out the pre-view on your behalf.

Once it has been confirmed that you are able to pre-view the property we will send you the invoice via our secure payment provider PayPal.

London pre-views: £29.99 per property
Barcelona pre-views: 29.99€ per property

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone Number (required)

    Destination (required)

    Date you wish to book accommodation by (required)

    Name of Property One

    Agency/Website of Property One

    Name of Property Two

    Agency/Website of Property Two

    Name of Property Three

    Agency/Website of Property Three

    Additional Information