Verified Rooms > Competition > GoPro Competition
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Barcelona Bound? Best Areas to Stay in Barcelona

Posted on April 18th, 2016 by vrooms

Barcelona is our second home and the sixth most visited city in Europe with over 100,000 hotel rooms and 14,900 AirBNB listings (other sharing sites are available) there is a lot of choice to be had. Verified Rooms helps you to make the best booking decision when choosing between hotels and apartments, however we thought we’d give you […]

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GoPro Competition

Posted on April 6th, 2016 by vrooms

All of our video tours are created using a GoPro camera or similar so we saw it fit to launch Verified Rooms with a GoPro competition! To celebrate the launch of Verified Rooms this summer we are giving you the chance to cash in on your holiday horrors! Send us your accommodation horror stories past or present with […]

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